Sunday 5 June 2011


Oh, sweet child
Remember that small girl?
And those times when truth was told
The age of innocence
It was a quiet time

i was inspired by a lovely girl - Chloe.

15 ways

Our blank canvas
This open world
All those empty
Find the words
That ripple by
And let them just
Take shape

Friday 3 June 2011


Someone you must hold onto
Every now and then,
You meet someone;
Someone that drives you crazy
Someone that helps you smile
Someone that knows
Just knows, what to say
These people,
They’re oh-so special.
Don’t forget, as time slips by
To say a little thank you...

The lovely Eva took the middle one, thanks babe ;)

13. THIRTEEN... thir-teen 13!!

If I could ever believe in perfection
If I was ever to find it
That tiny little jewel would be
With you, you, a part of you,
My dear, you have blessed me

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Twelth hour

Eva took these, she truly is amazing to be quite honest...