Sunday 5 June 2011


Oh, sweet child
Remember that small girl?
And those times when truth was told
The age of innocence
It was a quiet time

i was inspired by a lovely girl - Chloe.

15 ways

Our blank canvas
This open world
All those empty
Find the words
That ripple by
And let them just
Take shape

Friday 3 June 2011


Someone you must hold onto
Every now and then,
You meet someone;
Someone that drives you crazy
Someone that helps you smile
Someone that knows
Just knows, what to say
These people,
They’re oh-so special.
Don’t forget, as time slips by
To say a little thank you...

The lovely Eva took the middle one, thanks babe ;)

13. THIRTEEN... thir-teen 13!!

If I could ever believe in perfection
If I was ever to find it
That tiny little jewel would be
With you, you, a part of you,
My dear, you have blessed me

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Twelth hour

Eva took these, she truly is amazing to be quite honest...

Thursday 14 April 2011

Sorry it's been so long, Grace...

watch and wait,
then tiptoe forward

grasp it tight,
then let it loose
floating away in natures way.

Saturday 8 January 2011

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Day four

Burn your flame, light your candle.

It might help you to find your light,

just wait, watch it flicker, watch it burn...
let it consume you...

3rd day

Collect your wishes,

one by one, count them;

fit them together.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Second day

Finding new strings; it's a scary game...
but.. i can always kiss it better,
I'll try not to hide, from you.

Sunday 2 January 2011

day 1

Dusty, and waiting for another day.

Grasping for the light:

Oh, but, I'd walk a mile in another shoes, and I'd walk a mile, just for you...